"All the World's Evils" by D. M. Larson
"All the World's Evils" by D. M. Larson
Don't you feel a great burden? Don't you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? You feel like you have to deal with all the world's evils. But I can change all that. No more burdens. No more worries.
Superheroes are the ultimate co-dependents. Always looking for problems. Never happy if there isn't a crisis. Getting themselves involved with demanding citizens who don't appreciate them for who they are. You can never do enough to please them.
Let me be the hero now and I will fix all your problems.
The weight of the world can be off your shoulders. You can be happy again.
Have you changed the world? Is it a better place?
Anyone can change the world. You don't have to have superpowers.
I'm saying that ordinary people can make a difference in this world.
What about teachers, nurses, police officers? They all make a difference.
It's time to get out of the hero business and let the
world to solve their own problems.
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