This is a Doctor Who inspired monologue about a companion who went on an adventure with the Doctor, but is worried they were left behind.
by D. M. Larson
Copyright (c) 2017 All Rights Reserved
Copyright (c) 2017 All Rights Reserved
Why did you leave me here?! I didn’t ask for this. You drag me on some adventure and then drop me off with no clue how to get back. That’s just great. Wonderful! I’m so glad I was spontaneous and rushed off for something exciting and mysterious.
How could I be so stupid?! I didn’t even know you that well. Sure, you were cute… and fun. And made me laugh. But I didn’t really know anything about you. You offered me something I never had before though… freedom. I was trapped in my life. I didn’t think there was ever a way out.
It’s strange how easily we get trapped in our lives. You get things you want, but then you become a slave to those things, having to make payments, having to keep them repaired, and then paying more money to fix or replace them. Nothing is ever paid for. Or on those rare occasions where you do pay something off, then it breaks soon after, or some new flashy model comes along that you have to have.
I guess that’s what you were. You were some flashy new model that got my attention and offered me something better. But that’s all you were… flash. Flash and no substance. You gave up on me like everyone else. Gave up and left me here… alone… worse off than when I started.
Am I worse off though? You did show me some amazing things that I’d never seen. I did feel more alive than I ever felt before. My old life left me feeling dead. But you made me live… and live well… even if it was for a little while.
There you are! Where have you been?! I thought you left me. This? I was just making a recording… it doesn’t matter. What matters is you and me and today. Where are we going next?
Buy a low cost PDF of this monologue
This monologue is from the play
Also find this monologue published in the book "Me in Pieces" available on ISBN-13: 978-1981312054 Buy a low cost PDF of this monologue
This monologue is from the play
“Blondes Prefer Gentlemen”
ISBN-13: 978-1985331877
Low cost PDF of full script:
Or you can purchase the scene for this monologue (called "Professor What" - a Doctor Who satire) at
Or you can purchase the scene for this monologue (called "Professor What" - a Doctor Who satire) at
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