JESTER: Destructo! You’re amazing. You just took down the greatest hero
AND the greatest villain in one night. You can be on my team.
AND the greatest villain in one night. You can be on my team.
PRINCESS: Our team.
(PRINCESS takes DESTRUCTO by the arm and pulls him away.
DESTRUCTO likes her attention. JESTER gets a mischievous look and follows)
DESTRUCTO likes her attention. JESTER gets a mischievous look and follows)
SHADE: We can’t let them take Destructo. In the wrong hands, his powers could end us all.
SMASH: I’ll punch Jester.
DOGBOY: What? Why?
SMASH: I just like punching him.
CATCHICK: Yeah, punch him and I’ll cough up a hairball on the Princess. She hates that.
(CATCHICK starts to get a hairball ready)
DOGBOY: No, wait. I have a feeling we won’t have to do anything.
(PRINCESS is all flirty with DESTRUCTO)
PRINCESS: We should give a name that makes you sound more like you’re on our team.
Like the Troublemaker.
Like the Troublemaker.
DESTRUCTO: That sounds cool. Whatever you want.
(JESTER gets DESTRUCTO’s attention which is on PRINCESS)
JESTER: Fine. Let’s make you a part of the team. But we have to shake on it first.
(JESTER holds out his hand. PRINCESS nods that it is okay)
PRINCESS: Come on, Destructo. Want to be a part of the team?
(DESTRUCTO shakes JESTER’s hand and gets shocked. He yells in pain.
JESTER and PRINCESS laugh at first but then DESTRUCTO pulls his hand away
and smacks PRINCESS who cries)
JESTER and PRINCESS laugh at first but then DESTRUCTO pulls his hand away
and smacks PRINCESS who cries)
PRINCESS: He hit me!
JESTER: Nobody hits my gal and gets away with it. This calls for a little flower power.
(JESTER gets out some fake flowers while DESTRUCTO tries to help PRINCESS,
but she is mad and hits him)
but she is mad and hits him)
SHADE: Watch out, Destructo! Those flowers squirt acid.
SMASH: Or gas. Toxic gas.
DOGBOY: Everything with you is gas.
SMASH: I like burritos. A lot.
CATCHICK: What is it this time, Jester?
(JESTER turns to them to brag)
JESTER: I have something new and special for this party… it’s…
(Before he can explain DESTRUCTO struggles with PRINCESS to stop her hitting him
and they crash into the JESTER)
and they crash into the JESTER)
JESTER: He broke my toy!
PRINCESS: Poor baby. That bad man do that to you?
JESTER: You’re off the team!
PRINCESS: You’re too bad to be bad.